As students prepare to head back to school, it seems like a good time to share some fun ways to use Mapplets to get students and curious minds interested in discovering new places. To start, you can grab their attention with dynamic 360º panoramas of cities throughout the world. Show them the Earth at night or take a visual tour of the 7 Wonders of the World. Now that you've got them hooked, integrate cool visuals with course curricula and informational maps, such as the amount of sea level rise.
To access these Mapplets and many others just go to Google Maps, click on My Maps and then click "Browse the Directory". You can use two or more at a time to try to find relationships between two things, such as energy consumption and world population density. And as we shared last week, you can easily link to your favorite Mapplets. Of course, you can also check out the Geo Education site for more resources.
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